As a landlord, you hold the key to the future of the wellbeing of our Veterans.
Often times, we are faced with clients who need a second chance at obtaining a home and landlords have the power to make dreaming about a home, a reality. If you are interested in partnering with InteCare Veteran Services by making your home(s) available for residency, please see the following information:
All leases are signed and held directly by the Veteran. The SSVF program assists with rent payments but is not able to be a party on a lease.
The SSVF program is not able to pay for legal fees.
SSVF is able to provide rental assistance, but it is temporary, and the length of assistance provided to Veterans varies by client & program type.

Types of Programs Our Veterans Are In
Traditional SSVF Grant
Assists clients with move-in costs, arrears, utility costs and other costs that may be associated with housing stability. Veterans are enrolled for 90 days and are able to recertify for another 90 days if they still qualify and need assistance.
SSVF Shallow Subsidy
This is an extension from the traditional SSVF program that provides Veterans with half of their rent costs for up to 24 months of assistance at a time.
This is a sister program offered through the VA that provides housing vouchers to Veterans that do not expire. While this program is not directly provided by InteCare, we have clients who are in our program waiting for their vouchers and we are able to assist with move-in costs and rent until vouchers are activated. To be sure that your property meets inspection standards to begin receiving referrals please see the inspection here:

Support Veterans in Your Community By
Integrating SSVF into Your Business

Ways Landlords Can Help
Help grow our housing options by sharing available listings with InteCare Veteran Services.
Work with our program to allow second-chance acceptance, as many of our clients have various barriers.
Accept Housing Vouchers
Accept housing vouchers from HUD VASH for some or all of your properties by contacting your local VA office and completing the form below.
Questions About Partnering With Us?
Contact Janelle Stevens-Kincade, SSVF Direct Service Program Manager.

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