Our goal is to transition Veterans from housing crisis to housing stability.
InteCare Veteran Services
Veteran in Need?
Call 1-855-896-4345

Our approach is built upon the evidence-based “Housing First” approach, which prioritizes housing Veterans, followed by providing them the wraparound support to stay housed, including health care, job training, legal and education assistance, and more.
Housing First, Always
How We Work:
A Holistic Approach
Tailored Service Plans
After meeting eligibility requirements, Veterans are matched with the appropriate programs and collaborate on a personalized housing stability plan that suits their unique needs.Hand-in-Hand Approach
Veterans work closely with their dedicated case managers to connect with vital community resources, setting and achieving their housing stability goals. Our collaborative approach is grounded in a deep understanding of the challenges Veterans face.End-to-End Support
We stand by the Veterans we serve at every stage of their journey, advocating for them to overcome barriers and achieve a successful transition to stable housing.
We guide Veterans through a comprehensive, holistic approach designed to place them on a pathway to enduring housing success.

Our Proven 4-Step Process
After qualifying for one of the two programs, we work with Veterans to achieve their long-term housing success by guiding them through this signature process.
Step 1: Call Us
Veterans tell us about their current circumstances and past service. We'll determine what programs they and their family may be eligible for.
Step 2: Qualify & Enroll
We'll match the Veteran with appropriate programs and services, then we'll help them collect and submit the required documentation for enrollment.
Step 3: Secure Stabilization
Veterans will team up with a case manager to help them secure housing, connect to resources, and gain the tools to maintain permanent housing.
Step 4: Successful Exit
Veterans have met their housing stability goals and have the resources and connections to continue their long-term housing success!

2 Powerful Programs For
Veterans to Get on the Path to Long-Term Housing Success
Supportive Services
for Veteran Families
We help Veterans and their families with homelessness prevention, rapid rehousing, and supportive services in Central Indiana.
Indiana Department of Veteran Affairs Grants for Veterans Services
We help Veterans prevent homelessness through one-time assistance.